How an Oromian slave became a South African teacher

27 Aug 2011

Sandra Rowoldt Shell University of Cape Town

Bisho Jarsa, trained as a domestic servant, went on to become a teacher
Bisho Jarsa, trained as a domestic servant, went on to become a teacher

When Neville Alexander used to visit his maternal grandmother Bisho
Jarsa as a boy, he never suspected the extraordinary story of how she
had come from Oromia, East Africa, to the South African city of Port

Bisho was one of a group of Oromo slaves freed by a British warship
in 1888 off the coast of Yemen, then taken round the African coast and
placed in the care of missionaries in South Africa.

“We were overawed in her presence and by the way she would mumble to
herself in this language none of us understood,” recalls Mr Alexander,
now 74.

This was Afaan Oromoo, Oromia’s national language, Bisho’s mother tongue, which she reverted to as she grew older.

Mr Alexander, who was a political prisoner in the 1960s, sharing
Robben Island with Nelson Mandela, is today one of South Africa’s most
eminent educationists.

He remembers his younger siblings asking their mother, Dimbiti:
“What’s Ma talking about… what’s the matter with her? What’s she

Their mother would respond: “Don’t worry about Ma… she’s just talking to God.”

When he was in his late teens, his mother told him about his Oromian
origins but Mr Alexander thinks even she may not have known all the
details, which he only discovered when he was in his fifties.

He found out that the freed Oromians had all been interviewed on their arrival in South Africa.

The story began on 16 September 1888, when Commander Charles E
Gissing, aboard the British gunship HMS Osprey, intercepted three dhows
carrying Oromians to the slave markets in the Arabian port of Jeddah.

Sold for maize

Commander Gissing’s mission was part of British attempts to end the
slave trade – a trade that London had supported until 1807, when it was
abolished across the British Empire.

Ethiopian children, enslaved in Ethiopia, freed by the British navy arrive in Aden. Photo: University of Cape Town
On their arrival in Yemen, the children were looked after by local families and missionaries

All the 204 slaves freed by Commander Gissing were from the Oromo ethnic group and most were children.

The Oromo, despite being the most populous of all Ethiopian groups,
had long been dominated by the country’s Amhara and Tigrayan elites and
were regularly used as slaves.

Emperor Menelik II, who has been described as Ethiopia’s “greatest
slave entrepreneur”, taxed the trade to pay for guns and ammunition as
he battled for control of the whole country, which he ruled from 1889 to

Bisho Jarsa was among the 183 children found on the dhows.

She had been orphaned with her two brothers, as a result of the
drought and disease that swept through Ethiopia in 1887, and left in the
care of one of her father’s slaves.

But the continuing threat of starvation resulted in Bisho being sold to slave merchants for a small quantity of maize.

After a journey of six weeks, she reached the Red Sea, where she was
put on board one of the Jeddah-bound dhows intercepted by HMS Osprey.

Continue reading the main story

“Start Quote

The missionaries recorded detailed histories of the former slaves, educated them and baptised them into the Christian faith”

Her first memory of the British was the sound
of automatic gunfire blasting into the sails and rigging of the slave
dhow while she huddled below deck with the other Oromo children.

They all fully expected to be eaten as this is what the Arab slave
traders had told them would happen if they were captured by the British.

But Commander Gissing took the Oromo to Aden, where the British authorities had to decide what to do with the former slaves.

The Muslim children were adopted by local families. The remaining
children were placed in the care of a mission of the Free Church of
Scotland – but the harsh climate took its toll and by the end of the
year 11 had died.

The missionaries sought an alternative home for them, eventually
settling on another of the Church’s missions, the Lovedale Institution
in South Africa’s Eastern Cape – on the other side of the continent.

Bisho and the rest of the children reached Lovedale on 21 August 1890.

The missionaries recorded detailed histories of the former slaves, educated them and baptised them into the Christian faith.

Mandela fascinated

Continue reading the main story

“Start Quote

Neville Alexander

Her real liberation was not the British warship but the education she later received in South Africa”

Neville Alexander

Life was tough here too, however, and by 1903, at least another 18 of the children had died.

In that year, the Lovedale authorities asked the survivors whether they would like to return to Ethiopia.

Some opted to do so, but it was only after a protracted process,
involving the intervention of German advisers to Emperor Menelik, that
17 former slaves sailed back to Ethiopia in 1909.

The rest had by this time married or found careers and opted to stay in South Africa.

Bisho was trained for domestic service, but she must have shown signs
of special talent, because she was one of only two of the Oromo girls
who went on to train as a teacher.

In 1902 she left Lovedale and found a position at a school in
Cradock, then in 1911 she married Frederick Scheepers, a minister in the

Frederick and Bisho Jarsa had a daughter, Dimbiti. Dimbiti married
David Alexander, a carpenter, and one of their children, born on 22
October 1936, was Neville Alexander.

By the 1950s and 60s he was a well-known political activist, who helped found the short-lived National Liberation Front.

Continue reading the main story

Ethiopia Returnees

If you know these people – the freed slaves who decided to return home in 1909 – please use the form below to let us know:

  • Aguchello Chabani
  • Agude Bulcha
  • Amanu Figgo
  • Baki Malaka
  • Berille Boko Grant
  • Dinkitu Boensa
  • Fayesse Gemo
  • Fayissa Umbe
  • Galgal Dikko
  • Galgalli Shangalla
  • Gamaches Garba
  • Gutama Tarafo
  • Hawe Sukute
  • Liban Bultum
  • Nagaro Chali
  • Nuro Chabse
  • Rufo Gangilla
  • Tolassa Wayessa

He was arrested and from 1964 until 1974 was jailed in the bleak prison on Robben Island.

His fellow prisoners, Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu, were
fascinated by his part-Ethiopian origins but at the time, he was not
aware that his grandmother had been captured as a slave and so they
could not draw any comparisons with their own fight against oppression.

So what did he feel when he found out how is grandmother had ended up in South Africa?

“It reinforced my sense of being an African in a fundamental way,” he told the BBC.

Under apartheid, his family was classified as Coloured, or mixed-race, rather than African.

“We always struggled against this nomenclature,” he said.

He also noted that it explained why he had often been mistaken for an Ethiopian during his travels.

The strongest parallel he can draw between his life and that of his grandmother is the role of schooling.

“Her real liberation was not the British warship but the education she later received in South Africa,” he said.

“Equally, while on Robben Island, we turned it into a university and
ensured that all the prisoners learned to read and write, to prepare
them for their future lives.”

About advocacy4oromia

The aim of Advocacy for Oromia-A4O is to advocate for the people’s causes to bring about beneficial outcomes in which the people able to resolve to their issues and concerns to control over their lives. Advocacy for Oromia may provide information and advice in order to assist people to take action to resolve their own concerns. It is engaged in promoting and advancing causes of disadvantaged people to ensure that their voice is heard and responded to. The organisation also committed to assist the integration of people with refugee background in the Australian society through the provision of culturally-sensitive services.

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