Oromia is for all Oromians!

‪#‎OromoProtests‬-(09.02.2016, ‪#‎StandUpAgain‬, Oromia) Oromia isn’t the TPLFs’ to dominate, to exploit and to sell– it’s for the benefit of you, your family and for all Oromians. Together we helped stop the Finfinnee Master Plan, but now we need to stand up again.
Can you SHARE this graphic and make it clear to the TPLF led-regime that Oromians don’t want further marginalisation, domination and exploitation.
Enough is ENOUGH!!

Care for Oromia

About advocacy4oromia

The aim of Advocacy for Oromia-A4O is to advocate for the people’s causes to bring about beneficial outcomes in which the people able to resolve to their issues and concerns to control over their lives. Advocacy for Oromia may provide information and advice in order to assist people to take action to resolve their own concerns. It is engaged in promoting and advancing causes of disadvantaged people to ensure that their voice is heard and responded to. The organisation also committed to assist the integration of people with refugee background in the Australian society through the provision of culturally-sensitive services.

Posted on February 9, 2016, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Uummatni Oromoo akka sibiila boorrajjii humna keenya yoo jabeeffannee lollee ufirraa qolanne uf oolchina. Silaa akka baayinni keenya sodaatamuuf gabrummaa jala bara hanganaa waanjoo baannee hin hafnu ture. Uumama nu keessaa salphinaa fi tuffii ufirratti hin agarretu sabasaa dhiisee gabroomfataa jiraachisuuf salphina jalaa akka nuti hin baaneef hojjata. Carraan bara 1991 G.C. nu miliqe ragaa yeroo dhihooti. Ammaa booda rasaasaa fi mana hidhaa humna nu weerareen dhumuu irraa uf oolchuuf Oromoonni sammuu fi garaa ilma namaa qabnu Uummata keenya hidhachiisnee salphina jalaa uf baasee nagaa akka argatu taasisuuf har’a haa dalagnu. Yoo humna taane fira horanna. Warri aarsaa nuti kaffalleen tokkummaa impaayera yakkamtootaa itti fufsiisuuf dhadha’ataa jiran nu sodaatu. Biyyootni ollaa keennaa hari’a gabroomfataa keenna waliin michoomanii daandii nutti cufan hundi nu waliin dippiloomaasii eegalu. Karaa mara, waan maraan waan humna nu taasisu irratti haa dalagnu. Aarsaa nuti kaffallee fi kaffalaa jirru biyya Oromiyaa walaba deebisuuf malee impaayera saba Oromoo dhaloota tokko fixanii uummatan itti fufsiisuuf akka hin firris halagaanis haa beeku. Oromootni qabeenyaa qabnu ittiin seenaa haa hojjannu. Ogummaa garaa garaa kan qabnu saba keenya Oromoo dhumaatii irraa oolchuuf haa dalagnu. Ogummaa waraanaa kan qaban saba isaanii tiif ittiin seenaa akka dalagan dhaamna. Free Oromia.! Strong-minded people is victorious.!

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