Daily Archives: October 23, 2017

Support a fair go for families like Dabessa’s

Image: Dabessa, Lelise, Jitu, and Bonsen (August 2013) Photo by Kevin


Support a fair go for families like Dabessa’s

In the last bulletin, we brought you the results of our latest poll, conducted in conjunction with Jesuit Social Services, which indicated that 75% of all Australians support the reunion of refugee families. Since then, we have been overwhelmed by your support, with so many of you signing the pledge for refugee family reunion.
Take Dabessa, for example, who fled his own country of Ethiopia after facing persecution as a member of the Oromo people. He and his children spent six agonising years waiting for his wife to be granted a visa to join them. Thousands of people in our own communities are affected by this issue.
Dabessa said of his experience:
Finally, my wife arrived in August 2013, six years after I had fled the country.  Seeing her again was one of the happiest days of my life.  For myself and our children, being separated from her for all of that time had been excruciating.  I am so happy now that our family can live together in safety and peace and really hope that the many other people separated from their families are allowed to reunite with their loved ones soon.”
Every year, we consult with hundreds of people affected by Australia’s refugee policy.  Year after year, they tell us that family separation causes unspeakable agony to themselves and those in their community. Help us remind the Australian Government that the electorate supports refugee family reunion by taking action below.
Read Dabessa’s story