Empowering and enabling women program

Empowering and enabling women program

‘Empowering and enabling women’ program in the South Eastern region of Melbourne is a program designed to provide vital support to Oromo women through health education, settlement support, access to services, and social networking opportunities.

This project aims to provide health education and information sessions that are targeted at specific settlement issues to assist people newly arrived with limited English in Australia. There are a number of women in South Eastern keen to be involved in the running of this group also. An informal social and cultural environment is considered an effective context to assist Australian Oromo women in the South Eastern area to learn about services and to engage in positive activities together.

It also aims to open an opportunity for the women group to socialise with each other and also with other women and to develop stronger connections and networks within their community, whilst engaging in an activity that is enjoyable for them.

The Outcome of the Project

The project provided an opportunity for Oromo women group in the South Eastern region of Melbourne  to share feelings and build healthy friendships. Some of the activities provided a way to enhance the bonds between those in the support group and bring them together in a way that they did not know was possible.

Oromo women’s group come in a variety of types and sizes and meet many needs.

Gorobbee: Ayyaana dubartootaa

Gorobbeen ayyaana dubartootaati. Ayyaanni Gorobbee guyyaa haati tokko ijoollee ishee warra dubartootaa kan heerumanii bultii qabanis ta’e kan hinheerumin bakka isaan jiranii waamtee itti gorsituufi eebbistuudha. Sirna kanarratti dubartoonni heerumanii ijoollee dubaraa godhatan ijoolleesaanii warra dubaraa qabatanii mana haadha isaanii deemu. Ayyaanni kun baal’inaan Godina Horroo Guduruu Wallaggaatti beekama.

Ayyaana Gorobbee irratti dubartoonni mana haadha isaaniitti walga’an barcumarra utuu hintaa’in dura handaqii yookiin gasaa afameefii lafa sirna kanaaf qophaa’erra taa’anii eebba fudhatu. Handaqicharra waan jiidha qabu kanneen akka margaa, ulmaayii, kusaayeefi kana kana fakkaatantu afama.

Haati ijoollee ishee ayyaanicharratti waamtus nyaataafi dhugaatii aadaa kanneen akka aannan ho’aa, itittuu, buna qalaa, marqaa, cuumboo, qoriifi kan kana fakkaatan qopheessitee eegdi. Dubartoonni mana haadha isaanii dhaqanis akkuma humna isaaaniitti nyaataafi dhugaatii aadaa qopheessanii fudhatanii deemu. Ayyaana kanarratti haadha ilmoo argattes ta’e kan hin argatin ni eebbisu; waaaqas ni kadhatuuf. Dubartii dhabduuf ammoo addatti kadhatuuf. Dhabduun sirna kanarratti eebba haaadhaa argatte ilma ni argatti amantiin jedhu cimaadha. Afata jiidha qaburra akka taa’an kan taasifamuuf sababni guddaan isa kana.

Haatis ijoollee ishee gara ishee dhufan akka hangafaafi eegoo (quxusuutti) dabareedhaan eebbifti. Yeroo eebbistus: “Jiidha argadhaa!, Horaa bulaa!, Dhalli keessan haa eebbifamu! fi kan kana fakkaatan jechuun eebbifti. Sirna kanarratti dhiirri kamiyyuu hin hirmaatu.

Madda: Kitaaba Safuufi Aadaa, kan Kidaanuu Zallaqaatiin barreeffame