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Maryland County proclaimed OROMO WEEK.

(A4O, 22 July 2023) Maryland County proclaimed the week of July 22nd- 29th, 2023 OROMO WEEK.

The Oromo Sports Federation of North America (OSFNA) Festival will be taking place at Montgomery Blair High School.

Welcome all to the neighborhood for OSFNA Festival of this year’s event in DMV area.

Peace is Precious.

By Dabessa Gemelal

Many of us may not value what we have on our own. This is a common occurrence in our lives. Many things become worthwhile, when we are self-sufficient. When we are very thirsty, the price of water is high; especially when you don’t have it on your hands, it’s even more expensive.

For those of us who live in a peaceful country, peace is not much boasted. But, in those in a war-torn country, the price of peace is expensive; The message delivered at a brief ‘peace journey’ event in Melbourne on 27 May 2023 is also our greatest testimony. During the short peace journey on this day, a great message was conveyed, and the experience gained proved that peace is precious.

Heaven Culture, World Peace, Bring Back the Light (HWPL), the International Youth Peace Group (IPYG) and the International Women Peace Group (IWPG) held to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Declaration of World Peace and Peace Walk in Melbourne on Saturday, May 27, 2013, at the King Edward VII Memorial. The participants held various peace signs to express the preciousness of peace and loudly conveyed the importance of peace to the participants and the world.

About 200 people from the multicultural community, leaders, and youth attended the event to create awareness on the importance of peace. The event included speeches by Mr Keith Wolahan, Federal Member for Menzies and Brigadier Bob Slater former AM RFD Lieutenant Colonel from ARA, who shared their messages and hopes for peace. In his speech, he mentions that the military culture of conflict resolution comes at a high cost and heavy sacrifices, and strongly urges the world to practice peaceful ways of resolving conflicts.

Advocacy for Oromia is well aware of the violence being experienced by the Oromo people because of the lack of peace in Oromia. The largest peace-loving Oromo people in East Africa have not been living a peaceful and prosperous life since their peace was disrupted in the late 1880s; their truth was betrayed, and they were subjected to severe oppression and persecution. The people have lost many human lives in the nearly 150-year struggle to regain the violated peace; the brave Oromo have talent; those who had knowledge to develop the country and eradicate poverty were sacrificed prematurely because of the lack of peace; many properties were destroyed. Oromia is still bleeding without returning to the peace it longs for.

The peacekeeping work being done through HWPL also attracted A4O because it is a good and blessed work that the Oromo people want to promote. HWPL aims to achieve a culture of peace in the world and restore peace and light to the global community. The organization aims to organize and conduct peace education, multicultural peace festival and peace trips available. During the year, A4O participated in the organisation’s events: peace education, multicultural peace festival and peace trip and shared from the experience; it is also ensuring that the peacekeeping efforts of the organization are successful and supported, and that the culture of peace is further entrenched.

Peacemaking is vital today for three main reasons. First, conflict and violence cause great harm. Many lives are being threatened by conflict and chaos in the world we are seeing. Second, military responses to political problems alone do not work. Military forces can be deployed to prevent emergencies, but they cannot fundamentally solve political, social and economic problems and sustain peace. In fact, it can sometimes make the job even more complicated. Third, conflict destroys lives; it also hinders growth. Currently, more than 1.5 billion people live in countries affected by violent conflict. Currently, 59.5 million people are forcibly displaced worldwide, of which 19.5 million are refugees, half of them children. This shows that if there is no peace, human life will be in greater danger.

We can save our day many things. However, it is very blessed to spend our days in peacemaking and promoting a culture of peace; it will have many benefits. Without peace, nothing we do will be useful. If we contribute our part to bringing peace wherever we are, if we spend our time working for peace at certain times of the year, the peace we desire and seek will last. Peace is precious; it is necessary to participate in peacebuilding and contribute our part to sustain this precious peace.

Melbourne Oromo community celebrates Irreecha Arfaasaa

(Melbourne, 21 Maya 2023) Melbourne Oromo community celebrates Irreecha Arfaasaa Festival at Dandenong Hill today.

A few minutes of remembrance was held for the victims of the Irreecha Birraa festival in 2016.

On October, 2, 2016 the TPLF regime opened fire indiscriminately on crowds celebrating Irrecha and killing at least 700 people.

In particular, the late Haji Biiftuu Fayyisaa, who passed away yesterday, was also commemorated.

A memorial service was also held for the teachers of Madda Walaabu University who died in a car accident on May 20, 2023.

Oromo fathers, mothers, youths and children dressed in traditional Oromo clothes and holding wet grass also celebrated under a large tree on the hill.

Irreecha is a strong and rich Oromo cultural identity and Oromo wherever they are should strengthen this culture.

The festival started with the blessing of the elders.