Monthly Archives: June 2010

I’m Proud of my Oromummaa

I’m Proud of my Oromummaa 
I'm proud of my Oromummaa!I'm proud of my OromummaaI'm Proud of my Oromummaa"We were never ashamed of our Oromummaa. It was who we were and that was that, and we’re glad we never tried to hide it. But a lot happened in our people. Racism can do strange things to people’s sense of who they are. However, I’m glad I still proud of my Oromummaa."

 The Power of Oromummaa

Odaa is a symbol of Oromcracy

"For the peace and harmony to truly turn to Oromia, our stolen natural rights must be respected." 

ODAA is a symbol which represents the GADAA system  of Oromia. ODAA consists of Leaves, branches, stem & one root. They depend on each other to survive but nobody carries anyone. No corner stone, no King , no emperor, No pope or No Sultan …..but there is /are Abba Gadda(s), Abba Dulla(s) & Abba Mudda(s) which are elected from Society by the society but not by the God. It represents the diverse society of Oromo with Vast job like Time keeping, farming, defending the system.It is the national symbols of Oromia which was reinvented over the past few decades come courtesy of our vanguard nationalist organisations such as the Oromo Liberation Front-OLF and/or pioneer Oromoo nationalists.

As we know from our past generation knowledge and wisdom, Odaa is a national symbol of Gadaa-Oromcracy. Gadaa is an Oromo democratic system in which people are elected to serve people in a definite period of eight years national election. Even though, the Oromcracy was marginalized for a century we can see that it continuous in many forms to be flourished again. Thanks to our forefathers stories, we can see our shared history and culture with a new perspective.Oromo Elders played their best role in keeping the tradition and culture. Hence, heritages like Gadaa and Odaa have been survived against continued habasha colonization for a century.    

Generation after Generation at least as we know it, in all Oromo oral history, all gathering for governinig purpose and dispute settlement has taken place under this sacred tree, Odaa. When we talk about Bokkuu, Raabaa Doorii, walgayaa Galmaa, haasawaa Gumaa all held under Odaa, beside retaulizing further, among all Oromo trees, Odaa. This has been seen in all Oromo outlook for centuries.

Many Elders express the strong spiritual connections which tie Oromo people to their lands. Oromo Land- Biyya Oromo remains significant place for Oromo people. As always, the land holds the history and culture of the people and their spirits remain their. Their spirit live on within the land , joining the spirit of the ancestors from before the invasion. Today, we can see that Odaa is simply a symbol of Oromo unity because of not its bigness but for heritage of our survived identity that reconnecting our spirit to our stolen culture and history.

In fact Odaa has immense brunch and leaves that ensures great cover from the sun. It also has potential power to reconnect to the natural Law. Although different symbols have been used in different parts of Oromo kingdoms, Odaa has been known to all Oromos for its beauty and longevity. Here, one thing we know for sure Odaa never been worshiped among greatest Oromo trees.

As wee can see from our written history, there were no time when Oromo worshiped Odaa. The only written material that exist about Oromo gathering/ occassions associates with this tree is in Fatul Habasha in 18th century by Othoman empire( explorer who ventured deep in Oromia) have said briefly about this tree connection with Oromo gathering.

From our past glorious history we can feel that Odaa is one of the symbolical elements of Oromummaa. Here Oromummaa is about culture and history, not colour. Hence, Odaa had played and plays a great role in the Oromo political order. Moreover, Odaa is  a sacred   tree, which had been used by our great forefathers  for not only  its shade for gathering, but also for holding the spirituality and the history of Oromo people in Oromo Land.  

Gadaa is also not only a democratic tradition of Oromo nation. It is a political order of Oromon people, which has been substituted through the repressive Ethiopian political order- a colonial system. Odaa is not only a simple tree which has been used by Oromo community in a limited part of BiyyaOromoo, rather it is an administrative structure of our nation which has been used to bridge the diverse and heterogeneous social, cultural, economic etc relationship Oromo society at large. This has been substituted through the divide and rule policy of repressive Ethiopian colonial system too.  Qaalluu and Siiqqee  institutions were also intentionally banned by unjust Law of Habasha colonial law.

We know that,  seera Gadaa- Gadaa Law and Waaqeffannaa- believe in the Law of Waaqaa- God  have been  been substituted through the repressive Ethiopian judicial and spiritual institutions- religious institutions. The Oromos are still  not allowed to talk and conduct research on all these Oromummaa elements. Amazingly,our new generation  continue  their struggle for freedom and justice of Oromia  under their true slogan, "Odaa is one of the symbolic elements of Oromummaa".  

Oromo new generation also continued their struggle with protests and various forms of cultural resistance. Their determination to keep their land and culture remained, and  latter developed to freedom movement. As a new generation of the 21st century it’s time to face the truth of our past and move on in the Oromia freedom struggle  process. The time has come to listen to each other with open hearts and minds.

The Oromo elders determination to survive their culture and history paved the way for further social victory.  As Oromo new generation, we can still over come our multi-faces obstacles as fast as we holding our glory history and  culture-Oromummaa as a master identity  under Odaa tree to ensure the survival of their  culture and history. A day when Odaa as a symbol of Oromcracy, a symbol suppressed for a century, coming into view  is not far. As our freedom fighters say, for the peace and harmony to truly turn to Oromia, our stolen natural rights must be respected.

Living with a Glory of Oromummaa!!