Daily Archives: January 3, 2015

Oromia Insight will be launched on 5 January 2015

(Advocacy for Oromia, 3 January 2015) Madda Walaabuu Media Foundation will start Oromia Insight English program broadcast will be launched on 5 January 2015.

logoAccording to the Foundation press release the program will be aired every Monday for 15 Minutes from 7:15-7:30 pm Oromia Local time.

For the start Oromia insight program will be aired once a week and with time it hopes to increase the time and scope of the program.

MWMF’s Oromia Insight program is designed to address issues that impact on the life of Oromo people.

It broadcasts 15 minutes English Program every Mondays at 7:15 PM local time at 16 MB or 17850 kHz.

For more details 3 January 2015 MWMF.to start English program